My blog for research in my Fantasy, Fandom and Franchise module at Sheffield Hallam.

Sunday 14 February 2010

American Beauty Trailer.

The trailer for American Beauty for me is a bit misleading yet totally clear about the film. By this i mean, it gives the impression on a high concept narrative yet it actually has a low concept narrative. This will simply be because of marketing and sales. For me, it doesn't do it justice. The film it's self is quite a complex journey through the main characters (Lester played by Kevin Spacey) mid life problems including work, family etc. This is shown in the trailer yet only as an observation, where within the film its very physiological and he takes you through that experience using narration. Within the narrative is also included the teenage daughters life problems, in which this is less in the film than made out in the trailer. Again this will be because of marketing to a wider audience.
The trailer seems to make out like the film is an episode of Desperate Housewives, with some focus also on the wife and strange going ons' within the neighbourhood. The fact the gunshot at the end is heard, almost gives away a massive plot point yet still manages to keep it aside, gripping the viewer. The message of 'Look Closer' which is frequently repeated on screen, gives the impression that everything has another side to it. This again is to tie the audience in within the narrative. Red is a constant theme within the trailer and film, with roses, doors, dresses, petals, lipstick all re-appearing constantly. This could suggest one of three things - Passion, Love or Blood. To me, it in its own way suggests all three. Passion with the red petals coming out of the young girls blouse, Love with the wife holding the rose and blood with the end sequence with the gunshot and red roses appearing on screen.
Music is a great choice on this trailer. Its The Who - 'Baba O'Riley', the build up sequence used gets faster and faster which is great for the quick cuts and drama. After the gunshot, all music is gone and just birds are heard tweeting. This suggests peace has been made.

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